Q2 2022 ESG Impact Report
by Boston Trust Walden
July 12, 2022
Getting to Net Zero
Strengthening our commitment to address the climate crisis, Boston Trust Walden joined the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative last year, which galvanizes asset management firms to use their access and influence in the capital markets to bring the world closer to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. These asset managers are required to set targets to meet their commitment for a percentage of assets under management (AUM).
In June 2022, we formally announced our own targets, which cover the discretionary equity assets we manage and represent approximately 80% ($11.8 billion) of firm-wide AUM.2AUM as of December 31, 2021 Our targets focus on two key areas: moving the companies we invest in to set science-based emission reduction targets and reducing carbon intensity across our strategies. Notably, our targets include Small and SMID cap equity holdings, which comprise a significant portion of our firm’s AUM. Though smaller companies may need greater support and time to build capacity, we believe all companies have a role to play in addressing direct and systemic climate risk. Furthermore, our multi-faceted active ownership strategy uniquely positions us to take on this challenge.
Weighing In with the SEC on Climate Disclosure
The decisions companies make today to address the climate crisis will have long-term impacts on the health of not only the planet and its people but also the economy. Investors require new levels of disclosure to understand if and how companies are evaluating, preparing for, and managing the transition to a lower carbon economy.
In response to rising investor demand, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a proposed rule in early 2022 requiring companies to disclose complete, consistent, comparable, and decision-useful climate risk information in their annual financial statements. Boston Trust Walden took this critical opportunity to issue a public comment letter communicating our support for the proposed rule, describing the value of increased access to rigorous, standardized, and high quality corporate climate disclosures, and offering suggestions for where the rule could be strengthened to better meet investor needs.
The 2022 Proxy Season (Year Ended June 30)
Each year at company annual meetings, shareholder proposals enable proponents to harness the collective voice and vote of supportive stockholders to improve company policies, practices, and performance. In November 2021, the SEC issued new guidance restoring shareholder rights related to the filing of shareholder proposals and signaling intention to omit fewer ESG proposals from the proxy ballot. This guidance set the stage for the 2022 proxy season, and — according to preliminary data from proxy advisor Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) — delivered on its promise.
According to ISS, among the more than 650 proposals filed this proxy season were a record breaking 531 environmental and social-related proposals, surpassing last year’s historic 416. Notably, the SEC approved the omission of just 9% of proposals from proxy ballots, a substantial decrease from the 17% omitted in 2021.4Marshall, Georgina, Michael Fassil, and Kathy Belyeu. “How is Activism Driving the Agenda: U.S. Shareholder Proposals of 2022.” ISS Governance Week, Boston, Massachusetts. June 6, 2022.
Tying the record previously set in 2021, 34 resolutions to date have received majority shareholder support. The top issues garnering majority votes — climate change/environment, equality/human rights, and public policy influence — tell a story. As the country continues to navigate challenges posed by a changing climate, systemic racial injustice, and political gridlock, these ballot results make clear that investors increasingly recognize the connection between ESG issues and long-term economic and societal prosperity.
Boston Trust Walden Shareholder Resolutions
Shareholder resolutions are a critical lever of our active ownership strategy — one we employ when engagement via dialogue is unproductive. During the 2022 proxy season, Boston Trust Walden led or participated in 15 shareholder resolutions.
While a resolution is a valuable tool, it is not by itself indicative of progress until it yields measurable improvement in ESG policies, practices, or performance. Moreover, our most successful shareholder resolutions may never make it to the printed proxy statement, but instead are withdrawn upon the achievement of meaningful agreements with the engaged companies.
In 2022, more than 70% of the resolutions we filed were withdrawn based on negotiated corporate commitments. Of the three resolutions that went to vote, we received an average of 28% shareholder support.9Resolutions filed with Alphabet, Walt Disney, and UPS. As of June 30, 2022, Boston Trust Walden had one outstanding proposal with CorVel to be voted on at the company’s August 6th AGM. However, given that two of the three companies (Alphabet and UPS) have stock with unequal voting rights, voting support is likely understated.
Our Shareholder Resolutions and Results
Year | Company Name | Proposal Topic | Boston Trust Walden's Role | Outcome | Focus Area |
2018 | Alphabet | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Lead Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2018 | American Express | Report on policies and goals to reduce the gender pay gap | Co-Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Anika Therapeutics | Report on steps the company is taking to improve board diversity | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | AT&T | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Lead Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2018 | Brinker International | Issue a report describing the company’s policies, performance, and improvement targets related to key ESG risks and opportunities | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | Cato | Amend non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Challenged/Lost at SEC | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Chemed | Amend non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Chevron | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 32% support | Governance |
2018 | Cohen & Steers | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | Comcast | Assess feasibility of setting company-wide goals for increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy | Lead Filed | Challenged/Withdrawn | Environment/Climate Change |
2018 | ConocoPhillips | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | CorVel | Amend non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Challenged/Withdrawn | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Discover Financial | Report a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Dollar General | Report a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Emerson Electric | Adopt time-bound, quantitative, company-wide goals for reducing total greenhouse gas emissions | Lead Filed | 40% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2018 | The Ensign Group | Amend non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Express Scripts | Adopt policy that require the Chair of the Board to be an independent member of the board | Co-Filed | Challenged/Witahdrawn | Governance |
2018 | ExxonMobil | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2018 | ExxonMobil | Assess impacts to business from transitioning to a “2 degree” climate change target | Co-Filed | Agreement reached | Environment/Climate Change |
2018 | IBM | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Lead Filed | 33% support | Governance |
2018 | IPG Photonics | Amend non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Johnson & Johnson | Adopt policy that require the Chair of the Board to be an independent member of the board | Co-Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | Morningstar | Report a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | Natural Gas Services | Issue a report describing the company’s policies, performance, and improvement targets related to key ESG risks and opportunities | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | Oracle | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2018 | SunTrust Bank | Report a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories | Lead Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2018 | T. Rowe Price | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices | Co-Filed | Challenged/Withdrawn | Governance |
2018 | Tootsie Roll | Issue a report describing the company’s policies, performance, and improvement targets related to key ESG risks and opportunities | Lead Filed | 3% support | Governance |
2018 | UPS | Report on policies and procedures relating to direct and indirect lobbying, including payments used to trade associations and think tanks to influence public policy | Lead Filed | 20% support | Governance |
2018 | Wells Fargo | Report on plans to address business ethics concerns | Co-Filed | Agreement reached | Governance |
2018 | Williams-Sonoma | Report on efforts to ensure responsible labor recruitment within the supply chain | Co-Filed | Agreement reached | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | Alphabet | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 13% support | Governance |
2017 | American Express | Address wage gap between male and female employees | Co-Filed | 12% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | Amgen | Amend vote counting procedures for shareholder proposals | Co-Filed | 6% support | Governance |
2017 | AT&T | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2017 | Brown & Brown | Adopt inclusive non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | CATO | Adopt inclusive non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | Comcast | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 17% support | Governance |
2017 | ConocoPhilips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 24% support | Governance |
2017 | Costco Wholesale | Report on efforts to reduce and manage food waste | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2017 | Emerson Electric | Adopt quantitative, science-based goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Lead Filed | 34% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2017 | Express Scripts | Adopt policy requiring an independent board chair | Co-Filed | 47% support | Governance |
2017 | ExxonMobil | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2017 | Hub Group | Take steps to improve board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | IBM | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 27% support | Governance |
2017 | Johnson & Johnson | Adopt policies for safe disposal of prescription drugs and drug take-back programs | Co-Filed | SEC omitted | Health |
2017 | JP Morgan | Proxy voting policies on Environmental and Social resolutions | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2017 | NETGEAR | Adopt inclusive non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | Nordson | Issue comprehensive Sustainability Report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2017 | Oceaneering International | Issue comprehensive Sustainability Report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2017 | Omnicom Group | Disclose workforce diversity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2017 | T. Rowe Price | Proxy voting policies on Environmental and Social Resolutions | Co-Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2017 | United Parcel Services | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 20% support | Governance |
2017 | Vanguard | Proxy voting policies on Environmental and Social resolutions | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2017 | Wells Fargo | Report on improvements in risk management and controls | Co-Filed | 22% support | Governance |
2016 | Abbott Laboratories | Adopt policy requiring independent board chair | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2016 | Alphabet | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 12% support | Governance |
2016 | American Express | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2016 | Amgen | Amend vote counting procedures for shareholder proposals | Co-Filed | 7% support | Governance |
2016 | AT&T | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2016 | Cabot Oil & Gas | Take steps to improve board diversity | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2016 | CLARCOR | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 61% support | Governance |
2016 | ConocoPhillips | Issue Carbon Asset Risk disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2016 | Conoco Phillips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 25% support | Governance |
2016 | Discovery Communications | Take steps to increase board diversity | Co-Filed | 18% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2016 | Emerson Electric | Adopt quantitative, science-based goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Lead Filed | 37% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2016 | ESCO Technologies | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 44% support | Governance |
2016 | Express Scripts | Adopt policy requiring an independent board chair | Co-Filed | 46% support | Governance |
2016 | Exxon Mobil | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2016 | Flower Foods | Address water-related risks in direct operations and agriculture supply chains | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2016 | Hubbell | Adopt Energy Efficiency goals | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2016 | IBM | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 25% support | Governance |
2016 | Johnson & Johnson | Establish policies for safe disposal of prescription drugs and drug take-back programs | Co-Filed | 7% support | Health |
2016 | Omnicom | Disclose workforce diversity data | Co-Filed | 29% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2016 | PPG Industries | Incorporate ESG metrics into performance assessments of senior management – with a focus specifically on the use of lead in some products | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2016 | T. Rowe Price | Proxy voting policies on Environmental and Social resolutions | Co-Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2016 | Time Warner Cable | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn due to merger | Governance |
2016 | United Parcel Service | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 23% support | Governance |
2016 | Walt Disney | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 32% support | Governance |
2015 | American Express | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Lead Filed | 22% support | Governance |
2015 | Amgen | Amend vote counting procedures for shareholder proposals | Co-Filed | 6% support | Governance |
2015 | AT&T | Report on political spending policies, processes and oversight | Co-Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2015 | BB&T | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2015 | C.R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2015 | Chevron | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 9% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | CLARCOR | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 45% support | Governance |
2015 | Cohen & Steers | Take steps to increase board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Commercial Metals | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 46% support | Governance |
2015 | ConocoPhillips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 27% support | Governance |
2015 | Costco | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | Cullen/Frost Bankers | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Emerson Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 39% support | Governance |
2015 | ESCO Technologies | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2015 | Expeditors International | Amend EEO policies to include gender identity | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Express Scripts | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn on a technicality | Governance |
2015 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 9% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | First NBC Bank Holding Co. | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 10% support | Governance | |
2015 | IBM | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 22% support | Governance |
2015 | IDEX | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | International Flavors and Fragrances | Adopt sustainable palm oil sourcing policies and practices | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 7% support | Governance |
2015 | Omnicom Group | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity | Co-Filed | 28% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Oracle | Amend vote counting procedures for shareholder proposals | Co-Filed | 10% support | Governance |
2015 | Phillips 66 | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 28% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | Qualcomm | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | RPC, Inc. | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 7% support | Governance |
2015 | Silgan Holdings | Take steps to increase board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn on a technicality | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Syntel | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2015 | Sysco | Adopt sustainable palm oil sourcing policies and practices | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2015 | Time Warner Cable | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2015 | United Parcel Services | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 16% support | Governance |
2014 | Accenture | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2014 | Advanced Auto Parts | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | C.R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 38% support | Governance |
2014 | Cabot Oil & Gas | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Cincinnati Financial | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2014 | CLARCOR | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 40% support | Governance |
2014 | ConocoPhillips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 25% support | Governance |
2014 | Denbury Resources | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Emerson Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 38% support | Governance |
2014 | Energen | Reduce fugitive methane emissions | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | ESCO Technologies | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 24% support | Governance |
2014 | General Mills | Encourage the use of recyclable materials in produce packaging | Co-Filed | 6% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Gentex | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2014 | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 9% support | Governance | |
2014 | IBM | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 24% support | Governance |
2014 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 8% support | Governance |
2014 | Lincoln Electric Holdings | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Mettler-Toledo | Adopt science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | O’Reilly Automotive | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2014 | PNC Financial Services | Assess GHG emissions in lending portfolio and exposure to climate change risk | Co-Filed | 23% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Procter & Gamble | Encourage the use of recyclable materials in produce packaging | Co-Filed | 25% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2014 | Ross Stores | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2014 | RPC, Inc. | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2014 | Simpson Manufacturing | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2014 | Time Warner Cable | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 33% support | Governance |
2014 | UPS | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 17% support | Governance |
2014 | Wolverine Worldwide | Issue comprehensive sustainability report including supply chain disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2013 | 3M | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2013 | Accenture | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 31% support | Governance |
2013 | Coherent | Issue sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2013 | ConocoPhillips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2013 | C. R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2013 | Devon Energy | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 23% support | Governance |
2013 | East West Bancorp | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2013 | Emerson Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 38% support | Governance |
2013 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2013 | Gentex | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 36% support | Governance |
2013 | IBM | Review trade association memberships and political spending policies | Co-Filed | 24.5% support | Governance |
2013 | j2 Global | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2013 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Filed | 11% support | Governance |
2013 | Men’s Wearhouse | Issue sustainability report | Co-Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2013 | NetApp | Take steps to increase board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2013 | Nike | Increase transparency by encouraging suppliers to issue sustainability reports | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2013 | PepsiCo | Review trade association memberships and political spending policies | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2013 | PNC Financial | Assess GHG emissions in lending portfolio and exposure to climate change risk | Co-Filed | 23% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2013 | Simpson Manufacturing | Issue sustainability report | Lead Filed | 33% support | Governance |
2013 | Stryker | Adopt comprehensive GHG emissions management plan | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2013 | Time Warner Cable | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 15% support | Governance |
2013 | UPS | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 12% support | Governance |
2013 | Westinghouse Air Brake | Issue sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2012 | 3M | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 39% support | Governance |
2012 | Accenture | Review trade association memberships and political spending policies | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2012 | Cisco Systems | Increase transparency by encouraging suppliers to issue sustainability reports | Co-Filed | Governance | |
2012 | ConocoPhillips | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 25% support | Governance |
2012 | C. R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 30% support | Governance |
2012 | Deere & Co. | Report on political spending policies, processes and oversight | Lead Filed | Challenged/Withdrawn | Governance |
2012 | Devon Energy | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 31% support | Governance |
2012 | Emerson Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2012 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2012 | Gentex | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 32% support | Governance |
2012 | IBM | Review trade association memberships and political spending policies | Lead Filed | 10% support | Governance |
2012 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Governance |
2012 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve loan modification policies and oversight | Co-Filed | Withdrawn | Governance |
2012 | Johnson & Johnson | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2012 | LKQ Corp. | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2012 | Meridian Bioscience | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2012 | Oracle | Increase transparency by encouraging suppliers to issue sustainability reports | Co-Filed | Governance | |
2012 | PepsiCo | Review trade association memberships and political spending policies | Lead Filed | Withdrawn | Governance |
2012 | Qualcomm | Evaluate and report on water risk in supply chain | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2012 | State Street | Report on political spending policies, processes and oversight | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2012 | Sysco | Evaluate and report on water risk in supply chain | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2012 | Target | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2012 | UPS | Improve disclosure of lobbying and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 17% support | Governance |
2011 | 3M | Report on political spending and trade association memberships | Co-Lead Filed | 36% support | Governance |
2011 | Ambassadors Group | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2011 | C. R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2011 | Cisco Systems | Assess steps to prevent human rights violations associated with internet use | Co-Filed | Equality and Human Rights | |
2011 | ConocoPhillips | Report on environmental impact of oil sands development | Co-Filed | 28% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2011 | eHealth | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2011 | Emerson Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2011 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2011 | General Mills | Study feasibility of extended producer responsibility policy | Co-Filed | Governance | |
2011 | Gentex | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 38% support | Governance |
2011 | Hewlett-Packard | Separate CEO and chair roles | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn | Governance |
2011 | IBM | Report on political spending and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 2% support | Governance |
2011 | JP Morgan Chase | Improve loan modification policies and oversight | Co-Filed | 6% support | Governance |
2011 | Layne Christensen | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 93% support | Governance |
2011 | Nutraceutical | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2011 | PepsiCo | Report on political spending and trade association memberships | Lead Filed | 11% support | Governance |
2011 | Pfizer | Report on political spending and trade association memberships | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2011 | Procter & Gamble | Study feasibility of extended producer responsibility policy | Co-Filed | Governance | |
2011 | Southside Bancshares | Amend EEO policies to include sexual orientation and gender identity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2011 | St. Jude Medical | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2011 | State Street | Separate CEO and chair roles | Lead Filed | Withdrawn | Governance |
2011 | Sysco | Evaluate and report on water risk in supply chain | Co-Lead Filed | Environment/Climate Change | |
2011 | Target | Report on political spending and trade association memberships | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2011 | Varian Medical | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | AT&T | Report on political spending policies, procedures and practices | Co-Filed | Withdrawn due to late filing | Governance |
2010 | Baldor Electric | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | C.R. Bard | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 32% support | Governance |
2010 | Cisco Systems | Assess steps to prevent human rights violations associated with internet use | Co-Filed | 34% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2010 | Colgate-Palmolive | Provide advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | ConocoPhillips | Report on environmental impact of oil sands development | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2010 | Credo Petroleum | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | Expeditors International | Take steps to increase board diversity | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2010 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt and report on quantitative goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 27% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2010 | Gentex | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 33% support | Governance |
2010 | IBM Corporation | Provide advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Filed | 45% support | Governance |
2010 | Johnson & Johnson | Provide advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 48% support | Governance |
2010 | Layne Christensen | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 60% support | Governance |
2010 | PepsiCo | Adopt quantitative goals for U.S. beverage container recovery and recycling | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2010 | Procter & Gamble | Provide advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | St. Jude Medical | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 43% support | Governance |
2010 | State Street | Adopt policy requiring an independent board chair | Lead Filed | 17% support | Governance |
2010 | Team | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | Time Warner Cable | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2010 | Walt Disney | Provide advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 51% support | Governance |
2010 | Watts Water Technologies | Takes steps to increase board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2009 | Cisco Systems | Freedom of association – human rights and the Internet | Co-Filed | 34% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2009 | Commercial Metals | Adopt inclusive non-discrimination policy | Co-Lead w/ Client | 44% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2009 | ConocoPhillips | Environmental impact of oil sands development | Co-Filed | 31% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2009 | Dentsply | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Diamond Foods | Develop a vendor code of conduct that includes agricultural suppliers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Dionex | Adopt inclusive non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2009 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt and report on quantitative goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 29% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2009 | General Electric | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Filed | 43% support | Governance |
2009 | General Mills | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 51% support | Governance |
2009 | Goldman Sachs | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Lead w/ Client | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Hain Celestial Group | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 62% support | Governance |
2009 | Hewlett-Packard | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Lead | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | IBM | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Filed | 44% support | Governance |
2009 | Intel | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Kadant | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Middlby | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Microsoft | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Lead | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | PepsiCo | Adopt goals for U.S. beverage container recovery and recycling | Co-Lead | 9% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2009 | Procter & Gamble | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 46% support | Governance |
2009 | South Jersey Industries | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | St. Jude Medical | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | State Street | Adopt goals for U.S. beverage container recovery and recycling | Lead Filed | Omitted by SEC | Environment/Climate Change |
2009 | Stryker | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | United Natural Foods | Develop a vendor code of conduct that includes agricultural suppliers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2009 | Walt Disney | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 42% support | Governance |
2008 | Adobe | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Commercial Metals | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | No formal vote received | Equality and Human Rights |
2008 | Dentsply | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 36% support | Governance |
2008 | Dover | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 40% support | Governance |
2008 | Expeditors International | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 52% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2008 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt and report on quantitative goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 31% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2008 | General Electric | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 40% support | Governance |
2008 | General Mills | Report on vendor standards, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Goldman Sachs | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 46% support | Governance |
2008 | Hain Celestial Group | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 2008 filing for 2009 mtg | Governance |
2008 | IBM | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Co-Filed | 44% support | Governance |
2008 | Leggett & Platt | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 31% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2008 | Parkway Properties | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Praxair | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Sigma-Aldrich | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | T. Rowe Price | Report on investment policies addressing human rights, with focus on Sudan | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2008 | Texas Instruments | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | UnitedHealth Care | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 42% support | Governance |
2008 | UPS | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Waters | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2008 | Wells Fargo | Advisory vote on executive compensation | Lead Filed | 30% support | Governance |
2007 | 3M | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | Applied Materials | Report on vendor standards, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | CenturyTel | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Clarcor | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Coca-Cola | Report on recycling programs and goals | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2007 | Comerica | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 29% support | Governance |
2007 | Commercial Metals | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 43% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Dover | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2007 | Expeditors International | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 43% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt and report on quantitative goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 31% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2007 | Hershey’s | Report on vendor standards, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | Home Depot | Public disclosure of Equal Employment Opportunity Data | Lead Filed | 26% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Leggett & Platt | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 26% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Lehman Brothers | Public disclosure of Equal Employment Opportunity Data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Medtronic | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | PepsiCo | Report on recycling programs and goals | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2007 | Pfizer | Report on executive compensation policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | Precision CASTPARTS | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2007 | Procter & Gamble | Report on executive compensation policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2007 | Wells Fargo | Report on executive compensation policies and practices | Lead Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2007 | Wrigley’s | Report on vendor standards, policies and practices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2006 | AmSouth Bancorp | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 28% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | AT&T | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2006 | C. R. Bard | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | BellSouth | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Co-Filed | 12% support | Governance |
2006 | Chubb | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2006 | Coca-Cola | Adopt comprehensive recycling policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2006 | Commercial Metals | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 43% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | Donaldson | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | Exxon Mobil | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 34% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | Exxon Mobil | Report on climate change science research | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2006 | Home Depot | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | 36% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | Illinois Tool Works | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | Leggett & Platt | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 25% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2006 | PepsiCo | Adopt comprehensive recycling policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2006 | SYSCO | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2006 | Wal-Mart | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | ALLTEL | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | Amgen | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | Apache | Report on climate change policies | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2005 | BellSouth | Report on political contributions, policies and practices | Co-Filed | 12% support | Governance |
2005 | Carlisle | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | Exxon Mobil | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 29% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | Exxon Mobil | Report on climate change science research | Co-Filed | 10% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2005 | Gentex | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | Home Depot | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | 30% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2005 | IBM | Adopt comprehensive recycling policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2005 | PepsiCo | Adopt comprehensive recycling policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2005 | TJX | Report on vendor standards and policies | Lead Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2005 | Wal-Mart | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Co-Filed | 19% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | ALLTEL | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 28% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | AIG | Report on climate change policies | Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2004 | Amgen | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | 15% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | Apache | Report on climate change policies | Co-Filed | 37% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2004 | Avon Products | Declassify election of directors | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2004 | Bell South | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2004 | Chubb | Report on climate change policies | Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2004 | Costco | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | 76% support | Governance |
2004 | Dover | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Resolution | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | Exxon Mobil | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 29% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | Exxon Mobil | Review human rights policies | Co-Filed | 8% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | Gillette | Declassify election of directors | Co-Filed | 68% support | Governance |
2004 | Intel | Report on water use policies | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2004 | JP Morgan Chase | Review executive compensation policies | Co-Filed | 8% support | Governance |
2004 | Merck | HIV/AIDS pandemic policies and programs | Co-Filed | 14% support | Health |
2004 | PepsiCo | HIV/AIDS pandemic policies and programs | Co-Filed | 7% support | Health |
2004 | SBC Communications | Declassify election of directors | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2004 | Stryker | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2004 | TJX | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | 77% support | Governance |
2004 | TJX | Report on vendor standards, policies and practices | Co-Filed | 7% support | Governance |
2004 | Wal-Mart | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Co-Filed | 16% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | ALLTEL | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 12% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Autodesk | Shareholder communication with independent director | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2003 | Avon | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | 81% support | Governance |
2003 | BJ’s Wholesale | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2003 | Tapes | Adopt comprehensive labor standards | Lead Filed | 8% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Coca-Cola | Report on beverage container recycling goal | Co-Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2003 | Coca-Cola Enterprises | Adopt comprehensive recycling policy | Co-Lead Filed | 4% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2003 | Colgate-Palmolive | Report on response to Sub-Saharan health pandemic | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2003 | Dover | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | 43% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Emerson Electric | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 10% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Exxon Mobil | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Co-Filed | 27% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Exxon Mobil | Review human rights policies, report on review | Co-Filed | 8% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Federated Dept. Stores | Report on vendor standards and how then ensure the exclusion of child labor | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | FedEx | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Gillette | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | 63% support | Governance |
2003 | Herman Miller | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Illinois Tool Works | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | JP Morgan Chase | Report on executive compensation | Co-Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2003 | Marsh McLennan | Report on risks associated with greenhouse gases | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2003 | McDonald’s | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2003 | Merck | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Merck | Declassify election of directors | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2003 | Microsoft | Utilize Global Reporting Initiative reporting system | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2003 | Occidental Petroleum | Report on risks associated with greenhouse gases | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2003 | PepsiCo | Report on beverage container recycling goal | Co-Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2003 | SUPERVALU | Mercury thermometer phase-out | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2003 | TJX | Report on vendor standards | Lead Filed | 8% support | Governance |
2003 | Unocal | Adopt and report on International Labour Organization standards | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | Wal-Mart | Adopt and report on International Labour Organization standards | Co-Filed | 4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2003 | YUM! Brands | Prepare sustainability report | Co-Filed | 35% support | Governance |
2002 | Abbott Laboratories | Adopt drug accessibility policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn | Health |
2002 | Albertsons | Label genetically engineered food | Lead Filed | 4% support | Health |
2002 | ALLTEL | Amend anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation | Co-Lead Filed | 10% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Bemis | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | BP Amoco | Review risks of Investing in environmentally sensitive areas | Co-Lead Filed | 11% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Bristol Myers Squibb | Make HIV/AIDS drugs affordable in African countries | Co-Filed | Withdrawn | Health |
2002 | Cardinal Health | Phase-out sale of mercury containing thermometers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2002 | Chevron Texaco | Report on greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | Withdrawn | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Coca-Cola | Set recycling goals | Co-Lead Filed | 4% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Conseco | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Co-Filed | 8% support | Governance |
2002 | Cooper Industries | Issue comprehensive sustainability report | Co-Filed | 22% support | Governance |
2002 | Dell | Product take-back and recycling | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Delphi Automotive | Report on global labor standards | Co-Filed | 22% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Eastman Chemical | Report on cigarette filter health effects | Co-Filed | 8% support | Health |
2002 | EMC | Increase board independence | Co-Lead Filed | 56% support | Governance |
2002 | EMC | Commit to in-person annual general meeting | Co-Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Governance |
2002 | EMC | Take steps to diversify board by gender and race | Co-Lead Filed | 32% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Exxon Mobil | Develop renewable energy alternatives | Co-Filed | 20% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Exxon Mobil | Amend anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation | Co-Filed | 24% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Exxon Mobil | Adopt comprehensive human rights policy | Co-Filed | 7% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | FleetBoston Financial | Public disclosure of equal employment opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | FleetBoston Financial | Link executive compensation to social criteria | Co-Filed | 13% support | Governance |
2002 | Hasbro | Adopt International Labour Organization standards and independent monitoring | Co-Lead Filed | 7% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | HCA | Phase-out use of mercury containing medical devices | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2002 | IBM | Product take-back and recycling | Co-Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | JC Penney | Phase-out sale of mercury containing thermometers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2002 | Kohl’s | Adopt and report on International Labour Organization standards | Co-Filed | 4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Kroger | Label genetically engineered food | Lead Filed | 6% support | Health |
2002 | Lehman Brothers | Use majority shareholder position in Peabody Coal to limit use of Hopi water supply | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Lowes | Adopt International Labour Organization standards and independent monitoring | Co-Filed | 6% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | Occidental Petroleum | Report on greenhouse gas emissions | Lead Filed | 19% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | PepsiCo | Set recycling goals | Co-Lead Filed | 5% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2002 | Sears | Adopt and report on International Labour Organization standards | Co-Filed | 9% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | SYSCO | Report on impacts of genetically engineered food | Co-Filed | 6% support | Health |
2002 | Teleflex | Amend anti-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2002 | TJX | Report on vendor standards | Lead Filed | 5% support | Governance |
2002 | Tricon Global Restaurants | Report on impacts of genetically engineered food | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2002 | Unocal | Link executive compensation to social criteria | Co-Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2001 | AIG | Include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policy | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | Albertsons | Label genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | 6.1% support | Health |
2001 | Associates First | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Co-Filed | Combined with Citigroup | Governance |
2001 | AT&T | Tie executive compensation to social performance | Co-Lead Filed | 13% support | Governance |
2001 | Bank of America | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | BP Amoco | Review risks associated with drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Co-Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Chase Manhattan | Report on global lending standards in developing countries | Co-Filed | 3.3% support | Governance |
2001 | Chevron Texaco | Report on efforts to decrease greenhouse gas emissions | Co-Filed | 9.6% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Citigroup | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2001 | Coca-Cola | Set recycling goals | Co-Lead Filed | 5.1% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Conseco | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Co-Filed | 8.0% support | Governance |
2001 | CVS | Phase-out sales of mercury thermometers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2001 | Eastman Chemical | Conduct study to evaluate health risks posed by cigarette filter tows | Co-Filed | 8.0% support | Health |
2001 | EMC | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Company excluded from proxy statement | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | Exxon Mobil | Increase commitment to renewable energy | Co-Filed | 8.9% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Georgia Pacific | Increase environmental disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Home Depot | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | IBM | Policy for employees to receive comparable retirement benefits | Co-Filed | 14.7% support | Governance |
2001 | Jones Apparel | Report on vendor standard compliance mechanisms | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2001 | Kohl’s | Tie executive compensation to social performance | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2001 | Kroger | Label genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | 15.3% support | Health |
2001 | Lehman Brothers | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2001 | Longs Drug | Phase-out sales of mercury thermometers | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2001 | Nordstrom | Report on vendor standard compliance mechanisms | Co-Filed | 6.2% support | Governance |
2001 | Occidental Petroleum | Report on plans to drill on land deemed sacred by U’wa (Colombia) | Co-Filed | 8.3% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | PepsiCo | Set recycling goals | Co-Lead Filed | 8.1% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2001 | Sears | Establish independent monitoring of vendors and adopt ILO stds | Co-Filed | 8.1% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | TJX | Implement McBride Principles (Northern Ireland) | Co-Filed | 16.4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2001 | Tricon Global Restaurants | Report on phase-out of genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2001 | Unocal | Tie executive compensation to social performance | Co-Filed | 15.4% support | Governance |
2001 | Wal-Mart | Report on vendor standard compliance mechanisms | Co-Filed | 5.2% support | Governance |
2001 | WorldCom | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Associates First | Take steps to prevent predatory lending | Co-Filed | 9% support | Governance |
2000 | Atlantic Richfield | Cease support of opening Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) | Co-Filed | Meeting cancelled | Environment/Climate Change |
2000 | ConAgra | Label/remove genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2000 | BP Amoco | Preserve ANWR & increase commitment to solar energy | Co-Filed | 13.5% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2000 | R. R. Donnelley | Review wage equity/comparable worth issues at company | Lead Filed | 6.5% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Exxon Mobil | Develop renewable Energy Alternatives | Co-Filed | 6.2% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2000 | Home Depot | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Co-Lead Filed | 10.5% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Imerys (France) | No interference with union vote in Alabama plant | aRepresentation at meeting | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Kroger | Label/remove genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | 3% support | Health |
2000 | MBNA | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Occidental Petroleum | Prevent drilling on land deemed sacred by U’wa | Co-Filed | 4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2000 | Tricon Global Restaurants | Label/remove genetically engineered food ingredients | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Health |
2000 | Winn-Dixie | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1999 | ABN Amro (Netherlands) | Become signatory to UNEP Statement by Financial Institutions on Sustainable Development | Co-Filed | 14.4% support | Governance |
1999 | AIG | Issue a policy publicly committing to board inclusiveness | Co-Filed | SEC omitted | Equality and Human Rights |
1999 | Atlantic Richfield | Cease support of opening Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Environment/Climate Change |
1999 | R. R. Donnelley | Review wage equity/comparable worth issues at company | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1999 | Gillette | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Filed | 7% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1999 | Harley-Davidson | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Lead Filed | 14.4% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1999 | Home Depot | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Co-Filed | 10.6% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1999 | Hewlett-Packard | Review global environmental standards for suppliers | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1999 | HypoVereinsbank | Address deficiencies in financial and environmental risk assessment projects, i.e. Maheshwar Dam in India | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Governance |
1999 | T. Rowe Price (Germany) | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1998 | AIG | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Co-Filed | 14.4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1998 | AIG | Review financial effects of climate change | Co-Filed | SEC omitted | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | AMR Corp. | Endorse CERES Principles | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | Deere | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | Hewlett-Packard | Review global environmental standards for suppliers | Co-Filed | 7% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | Home Depot | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Co-Lead Filed | 14.4% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1998 | Intel | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Filed | 10.6% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | Walt Disney | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1998 | Wolverine Tube | Reconstitution of Board to include greater independence and diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Governance |
1998 | Xerox | Ask shareholders to support company’s past environmental performance | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1997 | AT&T | Review executive pay/study link to social performance | Lead Filed | 14% support | Governance |
1997 | AIG | Issue a policy publicly committing to board inclusiveness | Co-Filed | 10% support | Governance |
1997 | Atlantic Richfield | Development of human rights guidelines for country selection, particularly given the firm’s ties in Burma | Co-Filed | 10% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1997 | Johnson & Johnson | Review and amend its global set of corporate standards | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
1997 | MCI | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | SEC omitted | Equality and Human Rights |
1997 | Southwest Airlines | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | 12% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1997 | Texaco | Update report on Equal Employment Opportunity | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Equality and Human Rights |
1997 | Xerox | Endorse CERES Principles | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1996 | Becton Dickinson | Report on its Mexican maquiladora operation | Co-Filed | 10% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1996 | Bristol Myers Squibb | Report on executive pay ties to social issues | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
1996 | Leggett & Platt | Report on CERES environmental principles | Lead Filed | 14% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1996 | Sigma-Aldrich | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1995 | Albertsons | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1995 | First Virginia Banks | Report on Community Reinvestment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Governance |
1995 | WW Grainger | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Equality and Human Rights |
1995 | Masco | Environmental liabilities disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Environment/Climate Change |
1995 | Northwest Natural Gas | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Equality and Human Rights |
1994 | AMETEK | More independent and diverse board | Lead Filed | 30% support | Governance |
1994 | R. R. Donnelley | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | 21% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1994 | WW Grainger | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | 11% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1994 | Leggett & Platt | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | 14% support | Equality and Human Rights |
1994 | Tecumseh Products | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with commitment | Equality and Human Rights |
1993 | Albertsons | Disclose Equal Employment Opportunity data | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
1993 | Oregon Steel Mills | Report publicly on the environmental impact of its operations | Lead Filed | 6% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1992 | Oregon Steel Mills | Report publicly on the environmental impact of its operations | Lead Filed | 6% support | Environment/Climate Change |
1990 | Angelica Corp. | Report on the Valdez (CERES) Principles | Lead Filed/CSIF | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1990 | Gannett | Report on the Valdez (CERES) Principles | Lead Filed/CSIF | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
1986 | Angelica Corp. | Study and report on the relations between the corporation’s employees, management, and shareholders and on what applicable policies, if any, have been implemented | Lead Filed/CSIF | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | Alphabet | Prepare a report assessing the feasibility of integrating sustainability metrics, including diversity, into compensation plans | Co-Filed | 10% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2019 | Artisan Partners Asset Management | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices related to climate change | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | AT&T | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | Atrion | Report on steps being taken to improve board diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2019 | Charter Communications | Issue a report describing policies, performance, and improvement targets associated with key ESG risks and opportunities, include GHG reduction goals | Co-Lead Filed | 28% support | Governance |
2019 | Chevron | Assess reducing carbon footprint in alignment with GHG reductions needed to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement | Co-Filed | 33% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2019 | Comcast | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 18% support | Governance |
2019 | CorVel | Issue a public report detailing the risks associated with omitting “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” from its written equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy | Lead Filed | Challenged/Lost at SEC | Equality and Human Rights |
2019 | Emerson Electric | Adopt quantitative, company-wide goals for reducing total greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the Paris Climate Agreement | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2019 | IBM | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | Illinois Tool Works | Adopt quantitative, company-wide goals for reducing total greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the Paris Climate Agreement | Co-Filed | 21% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2019 | JP Morgan Chase | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | Oracle | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | SEI Investments | Report a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions defined job categories, and policies and programs to improve diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2019 | UPS | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 21% support | Governance |
2019 | Verizon Communications | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2019 | Walt Disney | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 39% support | Governance |
2020 | JP Morgan Chase | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices related to climate | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2020 | Vanguard Group | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices related to climate | Lead Filed | In negotiation | Environment/Climate Change |
2020 | Alphabet | Prepare a report assessing the feasibility of integrating sustainability metrics, including diversity, into compensation plans | Co-Filed | 13% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Bridge Bancorp | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing best practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | The Ensign Group | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing best practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Choice Hotels | Disclose a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories, and report on policies and programs to improve diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Home Depot | Disclose a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories, and report on policies and programs to improve diversity | Co-Filed | 36% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Hyatt Hotels | Disclose a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories, and report on policies and programs to improve diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Williams-Sonoma | Disclose a comprehensive breakdown of workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories, and report on policies and programs to improve diversity | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Nordstrom | Evaluate and report on the impact of the use of mandatory arbitration on the prevalence of workplace harassment and discrimination and employees’ ability to seek redress | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2020 | Charter Communications | Issue a report describing policies, performance, and improvement targets associated with key ESG risks and opportunities, including GHG reduction goals | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2020 | Chevron | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Omitted by SEC | Governance |
2020 | Comcast | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2020 | ExxonMobil | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 38% support | Governance |
2020 | Pfizer | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 21% support | Governance |
2020 | UPS | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Lead-Filed | 24% support | Governance |
2020 | Walt Disney | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2021 | JP Morgan Chase | Report on plans to measure and disclose greenhouse gas footprint of financing activities | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2021 | ExxonMobil | Evaluate and report on lobbying activity alignment with the goal of limiting average global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and address plans to mitigate any misalignment | Co-Filed | 64% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2021 | BlackRock | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices related to climate change | Co-Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2021 | T. Rowe Price Group | Review and report on proxy voting policies and practices related to climate change | Co-Filed | 17% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2021 | Alphabet | Prepare a report assessing the feasibility of integrating sustainability metrics, including diversity among senior executives, into compensation plans | Co-Filed | 12% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2021 | German American Bancorp | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing best practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2021 | IPG Photonics | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing best practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2021 | U.S. Physical Therapy | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing best practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2021 | Home Depot | Commit to annual disclosure of a comprehensive breakdown of the workforce by race and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories (EEO-1 Report) | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2021 | Chevron | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 48% support | Governance |
2021 | Comcast | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2021 | Pfizer | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2021 | UPS | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 26% support | Governance |
2021 | Walt Disney | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 33% support | Governance |
2022 | Alphabet | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Co-Filed | 19% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | Amgen | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | JPMorgan Chase | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | Merck & Co. | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | Union Pacific | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | UnitedHealth Group | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5°C and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Environment/Climate Change |
2022 | CorVel | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing leading practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | 36% support | Equality and Human Rights |
2022 | Cactus | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing leading practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2022 | Dollar General | Commit to annual disclosure of a comprehensive breakdown of the workforce by race, ethnicity, and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories (EEO-1 Report) | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2022 | SEI Investments | Commit to annual disclosure of a comprehensive breakdown of the workforce by race, ethnicity, and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s defined job categories (EEO-1 Report) | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2022 | United Parcel Service | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Lead Filed | 30% support | Governance |
2022 | The Walt Disney Company | Report on policies and procedures regarding direct, indirect, and grassroots lobbying; disclose payments used for lobbying and non-tax-exempt payments to trade associations and other entities to influence public policy | Co-Filed | 34% support | Governance |
2022 | Cathay General Bancorp | Issue an annual report describing the company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, practices, and performance goals and metrics | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2022 | East West Bancorp | Issue an annual report describing the company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, practices, and performance goals and metrics | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2022 | Green Dot | Issue an annual report describing the company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, practices, and performance goals and metrics | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2023 | Texas Roadhouse | Demonstrate if and how the company is aligning its business and supply chain with the goals of the Paris Agreement | Lead Filed | 40.4% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2023 | Alphabet | Evaluate and report on alignment of direct and indirect lobbying activity/political expenditures with the company’s climate commitments and address plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment | Co-Lead Filed | 14.2% support | Environment/Climate Change |
2023 | Medpace Holdings | Report on actions to enhance board diversity, such as implementing leading practice nominating and governance policies and proxy disclosure | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality and Human Rights |
2023 | United Parcel Service | Expand disclosure of political expenditures and lobbying activities and disclose the policies and processes that guide this spending | Lead Filed | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
2024 | Texas Roadhouse | Demonstrate if and how the company is aligning its business and supply chain with the goals of the Paris Agreement | Lead filer | 27.95% | Climate Risk |
2024 | Expeditors International of Washington | Establish science-based GHG emissions reduction targets aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement | Lead filer | 22% | Climate Risk |
2024 | Comfort Systems | Establish science-based GHG emissions reduction targets aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement | Lead filer | Withdrawn with agreement | Climate Risk |
2024 | JPMorgan Chase | Report on the proportion of clients that are not aligned with a net zero pathway and subsequent efforts to meet financed emissions targets | Co-filer (As You Sow lead) | SEC omitted | Climate Risk |
2024 | Valmont Industries | Commit to annual disclosure of a comprehensive breakdown of the workforce by race, ethnicity, and gender according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's defined job categories (EEO-1 Report) | Lead filer | Withdrawn with agreement | Equality |
2024 | Chemed | Issue an annual report describing the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies, practices, and performance goals and metrics | Lead filer | Withdrawn with agreement | Governance |
Alphabet and The Walt Disney Company shareholder resolutions co-filed by Boston Trust Walden were led by Zevin Asset Management and Mercy Investment Services, respectively.
Note: Voting support may be understated for Alphabet and UPS because they have stock with unequal voting rights (super-voting rights) that translates to significant insider control of the proxy vote. Shares with super-voting rights accounted for approximately 60% of the votes at Alphabet and 65% at UPS, according to the company annual reports as of December 31, 2021.
Season Trends
Climate Lobbying Transparency
Companies continue to play an outsized role in influencing public policymaking, which is why we ask companies to increase transparency on climate lobbying, and align their direct and indirect policy advocacy with the goals of the Paris Agreement. We are not alone — last season there was a groundswell of shareholder support for climate lobbying proposals (averaging 61% majority support), sending a clear signal to companies that investors are increasingly interested in this issue. Companies appear to be listening — of the 17 climate lobbying proposals filed this year, more than 80% were withdrawn based on negotiated agreements.10Welsh, Heidi. Sustainable Investments Institute Engagement Monitor Search. June 24, 2022. Sustainable Investments Institute. https://siinstitute.org/
As a founding member of the Climate Action 100+ investor initiative, we are among the most active asset managers on this issue. We directly engaged more than a dozen portfolio companies and filed six shareholder proposals this season. As a result of constructive engagement and company commitments, we successfully withdrew shareholder proposals with Amgen, JPMorgan Chase, Merck, Union Pacific, and UnitedHealth Group.
Heightened Focus on Racial Equity
One of the most significant trends this season was the increase in proposals focused on racial equity. Twenty-two resolutions called for an independent audit of the company’s broader impacts on civil rights and/or racial equity, more than doubling the number of proposals in 2021. Importantly, average support for these proposals rose to 45% (from 34% in 2021) and 11 proposals were withdrawn based on company commitments.11Welsh, Heidi. Sustainable Investments Institute Engagement Monitor Search. June 24, 2022. Sustainable Investments Institute. https://siinstitute.org/
The Rise of “Anti-ESG”
There was a dramatic increase in “anti-ESG” shareholder proposals this season filed by groups seeking to compel company action antithetical to the objectives of traditional shareholder proponents. While these proposals generally mirrored those of ESG-related investor requests, the accompanying rationales soliciting support often advocated for the exact opposite. For example, in a shareholder proposal seeking an audit of corporate diversity training materials, the rationale provided focused on assessing the perceived negative impact of these programs on “non-diverse” employees, rather than how they support greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. Nearly 50 “anti-ESG” proposals were filed this season, doubling the figure from 2021, yet these resolutions generally received less than 5% shareholder support.12Welsh, Heidi. Sustainable Investments Institute Engagement Monitor Search. June 24, 2022. Sustainable Investments Institute. https://siinstitute.org/
Proxy Voting
Each year Boston Trust Walden casts votes on hundreds of proxy ballots — far greater than the number of shareholder proposals we file. Proxy voting is a key element of our fiduciary duty in stewarding the assets of our clients. We take a thoughtful, principled approach when casting votes at company annual meetings, enabling us to leverage our position as shareholders to elect directors, address management proposals, and support shareholder resolutions on climate risk mitigation, inclusive and equitable human capital management, and transparent public policy advocacy, among other topics. A strong level of shareholder support — even when not a majority — can be an important driver of more sustainable business policies and practices.
The high number of environmental and social proposals filed in the 2022 season introduced a higher number of prescriptive resolutions, underscoring the immense value of Boston Trust Walden’s deliberative approach to consider each individual proposal and evaluate the merit of the request to address significant ESG risks and opportunities and foster creation of long-term shareholder value.
In 2022, we also strengthened the role proxy voting plays as an integrated component of our corporate engagement strategies. In cases where Boston Trust Walden voted against management’s recommendations related to our priority focus areas (climate, equality, and governance), we conducted additional written outreach to more than 100 companies to communicate the rationale for our vote and set the stage for future engagement. We consider this to be a critical element of the cyclical and reinforcing design of Boston Trust Walden’s active ownership strategy.
How Boston Trust Walden Voted
During the 2022 proxy season, Boston Trust Walden supported at least one shareholder proposal at 87% of the 76 annual meetings of portfolio companies. Often multiple resolutions are filed at a single annual meeting, therefore, careful consideration is required to evaluate the specific financial and ESG risk and opportunity implications of each individual proposal. As a result of Boston Trust Walden’s diligent approach to proxy voting, we supported 67% of the 227 unique shareholder proposals filed with portfolio companies. Boston Trust Walden also voted against at least one management recommendation on the ballot at 69% of company annual meetings.
In the chart below, we highlight our voting record on topic areas that appeared on multiple proxy ballots. These resolutions collectively represent 62% of the 227 shareholder proposals.
Board diversity is a critical attribute of a well-functioning board and a measure of sound corporate governance. In 2022, we voted against at least one director at 42% of companies, an increase from 20% last year. Our reasoning to vote against directors included inadequate board diversity, overboarding of directors, or demonstrable failures in ESG risk management.
Executive Compensation
Annual meetings routinely give us the opportunity to affirm company compensation programs for executives (“Say on Pay”) and provide a mechanism and impetus for constructive engagement between shareholders and directors on pay issues. Boston Trust Walden believes that executive pay programs should be fair, competitive, and create appropriate incentives to promote long-term shareholder value. Our approach led to votes against executive compensation programs at 26% of companies, a notable increase from 18% in 2021 and 10% in 2020. The impact was more pronounced among large cap companies, where we opposed over 36% of compensation packages.
About Boston Trust Walden Company
We are an independent, employee-owned firm providing investment management services to institutional investors and private wealth clients.